Team assignments are performed differently for Player Pitch divisions vs non-Player Pitch divisions (tee ball and coach/machine pitch).
Tee Ball & Coach/Machine Pitch
For younger players, the goal is to build fundamental skills and a love of the game. Players may request friends as teammates and a coach if they have a preference. Coaches are responsible for managing the games (as opposed to umpires in player pitch divisions) including calling outs in the second half of the season for the CMP division.
Player Pitch
Player Pitch divisions are competitive and include umpires, score keeping, pitch counting, etc. As such, our goal as a local Little League is to create balanced teams where all players have equal opportunities for success.
For all player pitch divisions that have or may have more than one team based on the number of registrants, players are required to attend the Evaluation (Skills Assessment) in order to be drafted to a team.
Generally, players will not request a coach. Exceptions exist for returning players in the Majors division only. Coaches will work with the board during the draft process to facilitate teammate requests but they are not guaranteed.
See: Little League Local League Draft Methods