We are a 100% volunteer driven organization offering Little League programs each Spring.
Registration opens in November each year for the following season and closes in early March.
The first game of the season is usually the third week of April. The regular season goes through the end of June. Tournament play may be available for Minors and above into July which varies year to year based on team composition and available players.
We host ceremonies for Opening Day (April) as well as as Closing ceremonies (June). An addition league event each season is our Rockies game where multiple leagues participate in a pregame parade around the track at Coors Field!
Scheduling & Commitments
We compete within our own league as well as with other leagues in the North / Northwest metro area. Game days, times, and locations will vary week to week.
Since game schedules need to be created in coordination with multiple leagues and locations, the season schedule is created at the District level after registration closes.
Games & Practices take place weekday evenings after 5pm and Saturdays.
- Sundays may be utilized for practices but games will not be scheduled during the season on Sunday
- No games are scheduled over Memorial Day weekend
There are 3-4 weeks of practices prior to the season start, with the first week of practice usually starting right after Spring Break.
- Younger divisions will have 2 practices per week and older divisions may have 3 or more
- Practice schedules are created shortly after Registration closes where teams will have a set weekly schedule
Expect cancelled practices and rescheduled games, particularly in March and April! Colorado has a knack for being unpredictable in the Spring!
We understand that families have additional commitments outside of Little League! We hope that you can attend every game & practice but certainly do not expect it.
Player Skill Level
Little League is open to all players at every skill level! Check out the Divisions & Ages page to determine your player's league age and available divisions.
For players in Minors Player Pitch and older, a Skills Assessment is conducted in mid-March, shortly after Registration closes. The Skills Assessment is a means to build teams as equally as possible to encourage fun competition between all teams.
Registration will include a jersey and cap for your player. You will be expected to provide:
- Glove
- Bat
- Helmet
- Pants (Gray)
- Socks & Belt - Your team colors will be provided shortly after Registration closes
- Cleats
- Batting Gloves and other accessories
We often have extra + donated equipment. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.