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Dec, 2023


It's easy to get lost in blog posts and manufacturer recommendations when it comes to choosing a bat for your player. Here's the basics:

USA Stamp

Since 2018, Little League requires that all metal bats have a USA Stamp. Briefly, this is a certification from USA Baseball that the bat performs like a wood bat.

USSSA and USA are not the same! USSSA (United States Specialty Sports Association) is a separate organization and standard that out-performs a wood bat. These bats are used in travel/competition leagues.

Yes, wood bats are allowed as well! Metal bats are lighter and more durable than wood bats and thus vastly preferred for younger players, but if you are a die-hard traditionalist, your player can bring their wood bat.

Further reading: USA Baseball Bats

Barrel Diameter

A traditional bat has a barrel diameter of 2 1/4" but many modern bats have larger diameters. Little League allows for a maximum diameter of 2 5/8".

Is a wider barrel better? This is debatable- those that have studied the physics of a 2 5/8" barrel compared to 2 1/4" will say that the difference is so slight that it's negligible at best. If your player likes their 2 1/4" barrel, there is no reason you should feel compelled to replace it with a 2 5/8".

On the other hand, a larger barrel may inspire confidence simply from aesthetics that it "looks bigger".

Have your player try both! Borrow a friend or teammate's bat to try out a different size.

Length & Weight

This is where it really gets subjective for your player. The longer the bat, the greater the plate coverage. The heavier the bat, the farther a ball can generally be hit.

It's important to get a bat your player is comfortable and confident swinging. Avoid getting a bat that your player would "grow into" as they will struggle to swing a bat that's too long or heavy. You also want to avoid using a tee ball bat that's very light and easy to swing once they move beyond tee ball so that your player will be able to hit the ball past the pitcher!

Following manufacture recommendations (charts on age / height / weight) is a fantastic start and as mentioned above, have your player try a range of sizes for best results.

Standley Lake Little League

PO Box 7027 
Westminster, Colorado 80021
Email : [email protected]
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